Victoria Ulriksen
Organ / Fortepiano / Piano
© Victoria Ulriksen 2024

Recital in Westminster Abbey
31st of August, 2025: Organ recital

Europe Tour 2025

Recording from
Grote of St.-Bavokerk Haarlem
where Olivier Latry picked me
to close the concert of the last day of
International Organ Festival Haarlem
with Jehan Alain: Litanies
(Press on the picture below for link to my Facebook side for the recording)

Recording from recital Fraumünster Zürich

NRK Radio
NORSK biografi
Victoria Ulriksen (f. 2006) studerer utøvende orgel på bachelorstudiet ved Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig hos professor Martin Schmeding, parallelt med kirkemusikk på bachelorstudiet ved Norges musikkhøgskole hos professor Kåre Nordstoga. Hun studerer også hammerklaver og moderne klaver hos professor emerita Liv Glaser.
Hun har mottatt priser i konkurranser i både inn- og utland, blant annet 1. pris i finalen i Ungdommens Musikkmesterskap og publikumsprisen i den internasjonale Maria Hofer Orgelwettbewerb 2023.
Victoria debuterte allerede som 15-åring i Oslo Domkirke, og utenlands i 2023 på Skandinavias eneste Cavaillé-Coll orgel i København. Hun har siden spilt konserter i Nidarosdomen, Fraumünster Zürich, Uppsala Domkyrka, Haderslev Domkirke, Westerkerk Amsterdam, og katedralen i Hasselt. Fjorårets Englandsturné besto blant annet av katedralene i Blackburn og Truro, og i år består hennes turné av over 15 engelske katedraler som Norwich, Chester og Southwark, i tillegg til Westminster Abbey.
Victoria har spilt flere konserter på en rekke festivaler som Oslo Internasjonale Kirkemusikkfestival, Bergen Orgelsommer, Nordisk Kirkemusikkfestival, og ble utvalgt av Olivier Latry til å spille på Orgelfestivalen i Haarlem på det berømte orgelet i St. Bavo. Hun har også åpnet Salzburg Festspiele 4 ganger.
I 2025 spiller hun konserter på festivaler i Trieste katedralen, Fraumünster Zürich, Västerås Domkyrka, St. Chad’s Cathedral under den direktesendte «Thursday Live Plus!”, og Internasjonale Orgelsommer Karlsruhe. I år spiller Victoria over 40 konserter, og hun er allerede booket for flere festivaler i 2026, deriblant den prestisjefylte internasjonale «OrgelGlanzLichter» i Iserlohn.
ENGLISH biography
Victoria Ulriksen (b. 2006) studies organ in her bachelor’s degree at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig with professor dr. Martin Schmeding, in parallel with church music in her bachelor’s degree at the Norwegian Academy of Music with professor Kåre Nordstoga. She also studies fortepiano and modern piano with professor emerita Liv Glaser.
She has received prizes in competitions both at home and abroad, including 1st prize in the final of the Youth Music Championship and the audience prize in the International Maria Hofer Orgelwettbewerb 2023.
Victoria gave her debut recital at age 15 in Oslo Cathedral, and abroad in 2023 on Scandinavia’s only Cavaillé-Coll organ in Copenhagen. She has later played recitals in Nidaros Cathedral, Fraumünster Zürich, Uppsala Cathedral, Haderslev Cathedral, Westerkerk Amsterdam and Hasselt Cathedral. Her tour in England last year consisted of concerts in Blackburn Cathedral and Truro Cathedral among others, and this year’s tours consist of over 15 cathedrals such as Norwich, Chester, Southwark, as well as Westminster Abbey.
Victoria has played at a number of festivals such as the Oslo International Church Music Festival, Bergen International Organ Festival, Nordic Church Music Festival, and was chosen by Olivier Latry to play at the International Organ Festival Haarlem on the famous organ in St. Bavo last summer. She has also opened the Salzburg Festival 4 times.
In 2025, she plays recitals at festivals in Trieste Cathedral, Fraumünster Zürich, Västerås Cathedral, St. Chad’s Cathedral during their live-streamed «Thursday Live Plus!”, and at the International Organ Summer Karlsruhe. She will play over 40 solo recitals this year, and is already booked for many festivals in 2026, such as the prestigious and international “OrgelGlanzLichter” in Iserlohn.
DEUTSCH biografie
Victoria Ulriksen (geb. 2006) studiert Kirchenmusik an der Norwegischen Musikakademie bei Professor Kåre Nordstoga und Orgel an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig bei Professor Dr. Martin Schmeding. Sie erhielt Preise bei Wettbewerben im In- und Ausland. Sie gibt regelmäßig Konzerte in Norden und Europa (UK-Tour dieses Jahr). Sie hat dreimal bei den Salzburger Festspielen und dem Internationalen Kirchenmusikfestival Oslo gespielt.
Im Jahr 2024 wird sie durch Kathedralen in England (Truro und Blackburn) touren, sowie Konzerte in Fraumünster Kirche in Zürich und Uppsala Kathedrale. Sie wird auch ein Konzert im Rahmen des Nordic Church Music Festival an der Cavaillé-Coll-Orgel in der Jesus-Kirche in Kopenhagen geben.
There will be more information, photos and recordings from my concerts here

Foto: Levent Ultanur